The ASP.NET Core hosting model does not directly listen for requests; rather it relies on an HTTP server implementation to forward the request to the application. The forwarded request is wrapped as a set of feature interfaces that the application then composes into an HttpContext. ASP.NET Core includes a managed cross-platform web server, called Kestrel, that you would typically run behind a production web server like IIS or nginx.
ASP.NET Core 托管模型并不是直接监听客户端请求,而是依靠一个 HTTP 服务器来完成将请求转发给应用。 所转发的请求被包装成有一些特性的接口,这些接口在应用中构成了 HTTPContext。 ASP.NET Core 包含了一个叫做 Kestrel 的可以跨平台管理的 web 服务器, 通常你会在 IIS 或 ngix 这样的生产服务器的背后运行这个服务器。